Before we begin this week’s post, we have to SHOUT OUT our excitement about this weekend’s event! We are doing our FIRST EVER SIDEWALK SALE at our favorite “Jersey Shore Shop,” Serenity by the Sea, in Ocean Grove, NJ! Owner Sarah has super graciously invited us to make ourselves at home inside her (air-conditioned!) space and outside on the sidewalk. The only “trouble” is that we will have to refrain from spending the whole time shopping her incredible inventory! Again, it will be THIS SATURDAY, AUGUST 27TH, FROM 10AM-1PM AT SERENITY BY THE SEA (53 MAIN AVE. IN OCEAN GROVE, NJ)!
If you are anywhere in the area, please stop by and spend a lovely Saturday with us!
One tip about parking - MAKE A WISH! There is plenty of parking early on a Saturday (before 10am) and a few blocks away, if you don’t find anything near the shop on Main Ave. Remember to make a wish for parking right in front!
And now, onto “perspective” and wishing. Margie recently had a conversation with a friend who believes the opposite of what we believe - that the Universe (or whatever power exists) does not respond to our wishes.
They were driving and the friend said, “I hope we can find a parking space.”
Margie said, “We will because I have ‘parking karma.’”
She replied, “Do you really believe that?”
Margie, being a Wish Maven, said, “I really do because it works!”
Her friend said, “I wish I could believe that, but I don’t.”
This opened a fascinating discussion about their individual perspectives - their belief sets - that led Margie to contemplate the perspective she has on wishing… and then share it with Barbara, of course.
Margie puts it this way: “Wishing fits perfectly with my larger belief system about a benevolent force in the Universe - call it what you will - that wants to deliver whatever is best for our highest good and the highest good of all concerned. This force only needs us to get out of our own way - to stop resisting, doubting, worrying, or otherwise dwelling in negativity - so that we can see what is often right in front of us. That delivers our hearts’ desires.”
Another person we know says she doesn’t believe in wishing because of the extent of pain, deprivation, tragedy, and suffering in life. She says that if she believed in wishing, she should have been wishing sooner, not only for her own highest good but for the highest good of everyone. For her, that brings her too close to believing she is responsible for suffering in the world.
We realize the difference in our perspective around this idea began experientially. It’s all about the vibration, the expectation, the worry, the mental state of believing negative experiences are inevitable. We have built a practice of noticing any creeping negativity in our daily lives and practicing the art and science of uplifting our feelings (our vibration) and our beliefs about what we want to attract. So far, so good! There has been a flow of unmistakable good things into our lives.
From the time we were young children, we noticed what seemed like wishes coming true. We didn’t necessarily know that language, but both of us can remember specific instances. It wasn’t like life was a fairytale, where everything we wished for came true. But the examples we remember are so seminal, they had a formative impact on each of us.
For Margie, it was about relationships that came into her life. For example, her family became very close social friends with her ballet teacher; to the extent that Margie was a junior bridesmaid in her wedding. That event, with all its fairy tale nuance, is one of the fondest memories of her childhood because she loved that teacher so dearly and really wanted that to happen for her. However, she doesn’t remember ever saying that out loud.
For Barbara, it was about her love of animals and the time her father built her a custom “mouse house” for her pet mice without having to ask. She wanted something safe and secure, but he went further. It was a “mouse condominium” with all the bells and whistles a little “mouse wrangler” could want. She has the fondest memory of peering into the mouse house with her father, enjoying its inhabitants as they explored their new environment.
When you look at Margie’s delightful photograph accompanying this weeks’ post, you can see both the long view and the near view. You can see the trees - the instances - in the distance that form the whole picture, and you can see up close the "miracles" that are the individual trees. It’s all about perspective!
Next week, in our Real Wishes - Real Stories section, we are going to revisit the topic of “Weekly Wishing” as a mid-year(ish) review of writing and reading our wish lists.
Until then,
Peace and All Good
Margie and Barbara
The Wish Mavens
Photo Credit
The photo featured in this post was taken by (and is copyrighted by) Margaret A. Herrick.