While we have shared certain guidelines on how to wish with you previously, writing wishes is a very personal thing. What we will share with you in this post are some suggestions and ideas from our own wish work and that of others. We invite you to reflect on the quote from our journal, “Dwell in possibility” from Emily Dickinson.
We like to write over 100 wishes for the year ahead, which can be daunting; especially with a blank piece of paper or a blank screen in front of you. To think about filling it with 100 or more of your heart’s desires may seem scary. However, we have decided that writing 100, or 120, or 150, or any number of wishes is a good way to start!
One practice to make the “blank page” or “blank screen” less daunting is to start by filling it with your “buckets”. We talked about this in detail in our “Post-Pandemic Life” section, in a post called “Step 3 - Fill Your Buckets”. You can read more there about what we mean by “buckets”. In brief, they are the different aspects of your life in which you might make wishes like spiritual life, family, friends, finances, education, work, contribution, leisure, and health. If you put these words on the blank page, you have a start to inspire your inquiry into your heart’s desires.
Here are some examples of wishes from those “buckets”:
I want to find a volunteer opportunity suitable for me to contribute to my community.
I want more money than I know what to do with!
I want to be my best self in my relationship with ______.
I want to find a faith community that is right for me.
I want to learn to play tennis with convivial, compatible people.
I want to learn Spanish fluency in a friendly, affordable, convenient, expert environment.
I want to be healthy, happy, joyous, and free.
I want to go on a wonderful girls’ vacation.
I want to be my best self at work to achieve a promotion.
Another practice is to write ten (10) wishes per month and then keep that habit going. Barbara discovered something that makes this even easier. She embarked on a “Sunday Challenge” that Margie offered her friends in 2021. The challenge is to write five (5) “joys” and three (3) “wants” every Sunday. Those “wants” can be wishes for your list. The “joys” are a nice bonus and can be added to your gratitude list. By the end of the year, there are 156 wishes right there!
If you start writing wishes and reach a point where no more wishes are coming, you can take a break and come back at any time. You can also write a wish, “I want more wishes to come to me easily.” In our experience, that works!
Some people prefer to compose their wishes on the computer. Others write them by hand. Some people sort their wishes into categories to help weed out duplicates. Others write them on 3x5 cards. Whatever form seems to be easiest and most effective for you is a good form to use. As we say in our “Wishing Basics” section, it is important to hand write your wishes if you initially type them, as we explain in our post, “Creating Your Wish List - Step Three”.
In another blog post coming soon, we’ll talk about how many words make a good wish, how to avoid negativity in wishes, what to do when we want to wish for another person (since protecting free will is very important to us), and more!
In the meantime, Peace and All Good!
Margie and Barbara
The Wish Mavens
Photo Credit
The photo featured in this post was taken by (and is copyrighted by) Barbara J. Dickinson.