Great question! We have collected a dozen of our favorite tips for this section, all different ways to express more of your heart’s desires. First, let’s start with gratitude!
We recommend revisiting your gratitude list for a couple of reasons.
It gives you the positive mindset that your wishes are coming true.
It can open your heart to other things you might want to wish for.
“How do I avoid the negative in wishing?”
We never wish in the negative, as in, “I don’t want…” Instead of putting attention on what we DO NOT WANT, we rethink and reformulate what is our real heart’s desire.
This also applies when a wish comes true, and we discover the outcome isn’t really what we wanted. We may have wished it because everyone else has it, or because that outcome looked appealing. But we didn’t really connect with our own heart’s desire. What do you do? Use the practice to touch into the truth of your heart’s desires and wish again.
“Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true,” is another variation on this theme. The saying is as old as Aesop’s Fables from which it originates. We follow it closely and we have plenty of examples where putting our attention - which is the same as our wish energy - on something negative attracts exactly that unwanted outcome into our lives.
We never wish harm to anyone or anything.
Once, long ago, a wise person said, “When thinking about someone who has done you wrong, wish for them to have what you want.” This may be no easy task; pausing the knee-jerk angry reaction and, instead, forming a wish for what you want, which is likely some form of peaceful coexistence. Just simply send that energy out into the Universe - “I want to live in peaceful coexistence.” - and go about your day.
We also know how easy it is when driving in traffic to wish harm to that jerk who just cut you off, but don’t do it! That person may be rushing to the side of a dying relative, a wife in labor, or some other emergency. Wish for safety on the road and turn to happier thoughts for the rest of the ride, remembering that knee-jerk anger is actually the brain’s primitive response to the adrenaline rush of danger averted.
If you find that your complete wish is rather long, take a moment, take some deep breaths, and ask yourself, “What is the essence of what I want?” For example, Mike Dooley, author of “Notes from the Universe”, has a wish for “rockin’ relationships or better.” We love this! It covers the topic quite completely in the fewest words because the Universe inherently understands the totality of what your “rockin’ relationships” will be.
Free will must prevail.
First of all, this means that we cannot wish for someone else to have a specific outcome, no matter how dearly we want it for them. What we can wish for is to be our best selves for that person, to support them in achieving whatever their wishes are.
Second, as much as we may want to wish for “world peace” or other improvements for the larger community or society, according to what we have learned and come to believe, wishes should never be made for other people. This is in keeping with the sanctity of free will. “Is there any wish we can make?” Yes. We can wish for ourselves those things that we want our larger community to have, creating the first “ripple” in the pond. Ripples, as you know, multiply and spread out.
We have more tips that we will share with you in a future post. Next time, we will be discussing the origins of wishing. We are frequently asked how this wish practice came to be and we are excited to share some of the wisdom we have collected.
Until then,
Peace and All Good
Margie and Barbara
The Wish Mavens
Photo Credit
The photo featured in this post was taken by (and is copyrighted by) Margaret A. Herrick.